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The Westwood Council adopted the welcome statement that is found on our "Who We Are" page in October of 2019. It's built on Westwood’s work and commitment to affirm and welcome all of use, whatever sexual orientations and gender identity we happen to be. Even before this statement (and before same-sex marriage was recognized in Minnesota), Westwood blessed gay marriages. Our action and advocacy comes from a belief we've held for decades—that God loves all of us as we are, and nothing can separate us from this love. As such, we are proud to be a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation

Our Statement of Welcome

All Are Welcome to Join Us

Westwood has an LGBTQIA+ group that organizes events, including Westwood's pride event and march, and an annual presence at the Golden Valley Pride Parade. For more details and to participate in planning, contact the church office.


LGBTQIA+ Speaker Series: Mental Health, Race and Gender Diversity


​Supporting the LGBTQIA+ community is part of Westwood’s ongoing commitment, both to those here in our church family as well as in our greater community.  Here is a learning series geared toward this ongoing commitment.


  • Mental Health & the LGBTQIA+ Community--with Maggie Druschel, a social worker/therapist at Cedar Hill Therapy  

  •  Race & the LGBTQIA+ Community--with Al Updike (Westwood member) and Matthew Lewellyn-Otten, Religious Coordinator at OutFront MN 

  • Gender Diversity and a More Colorful Future for the Church--with Austen Hartke, author, biblical scholar, and transgender person of faith 

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