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We are part of the St. Louis Park and Minneapolis community, and, as such, also part of its challenges and its hope. We strive to make a real impact in this remarkable place through local partnerships and engagement in creative and life-giving solutions..

ELCA Parent Institution 

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Rise Early Learning Center

A ministry parternship in the

Harrison neighborhood

Local food shelf, emergency financial and social work services

A housing ministry for

women and families

Redeemer Lutheran Church

Since 2006 Westwood has had the gift of partnering with Redeemer Lutheran Church as we each seek to better serve our neighborhoods.  Redeemer has heeded its vision to be a "beacon of hope in the Harrison neighborhood" of north Minneapolis.  Not only by being a vibrant worshipping community, but also by supporting a variety of neighborhood ministries and gathering spaces including the Redeemer Bike Shop, a Community Garden, and by overseeing a variety of affordable housing units.  The Westwood/Redeemer relationship has included yearly joint worship on Maundy Thursday, Westwood members serving on Redeemer Center For Life Board (the Redeemer nonprofit arm), a growing joint young adult ministry, and a variety of opportunities to support the various ministries at which Redeemer thrives. 


Since 1975 STEP has served the community of St. Louis Park through food assistance, emergency financial assistance and social work services to food and housing insecure individuals and families. Last fiscal year STEP served about 8% of people living in the St. Louis Park community including 17% of St. Louis Park children.


STEP's mission, supported by a coalition of individuals, churches, synagogues, schools, business, civic, and local organizations, is to identify, address and respond to the critical and emergency needs of the community.  As St. Louis Park's only food shelf, STEP is often referred to as the community's "first call for help."


Westwood's ongoing significant financial and volunteer support has contributed to STEP's goal to support stability in our community households. For more information on volunteering at STEP, contact Pastor Jason

Every Meal

Help us feed students and families at Aquila Elementary in St. Louis Park!  Westwood is starting a new outreach ministry with the “Every Meal” organization.  Follow this link to learn more: What is Every Meal (formerly The Sheridan Story)? on Vimeo

Wayside Recovery Center

Westwood supports this St. Louis Park housing ministry for women and families in their sobriety by providing childcare volunteers while mothers in the program participate in Community Education. The volunteers work on-site at Wayside House for 1 hour on Monday evenings from September through May. For more information contact Pastor Jason.

every mea;
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