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A defining aspect of our partnerships is the importance of creating a two-way street of engagement. Learning and contributing allow us to be more than a church that's good at charity, but a church that impacts change. We want to play a role with our partners in creating a world that supports the thriving of others.

What Does It Mean to
be Vital and Necessary?

At Westwood, part of our vision has been to be "a vital and necessary part of our community and world." As a result, we have developed a wide variety of local community partnerships, overseas relationships in Tanzania, and internal ministries. We are open and curious to the question of what God is up to in our community and how we are called to participate.

Arusha Road Lutheran Church

Dodoma Christian Medical Center

Outreach Food Packing

Operation Bootstrap


Local Partnerships

We are part of the St. Louis Park and Minneapolis community, and, as such, also part of its challenges and its hope. We strive to make a real impact in this remarkable place through local partnerships and engagement in creative and life-giving solutions.


Additional Westwood's partnerships include: SLP Dinner at Your Door, UpWorks, Prison Re-Entry Program, and Minneapolis Area Synod.


Westwood Community Meal 

Local food shelf, emergency financial and social work services

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Refugee Services

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Rise Early Learning Center

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Meal Packing for Tanzania

A ministry parternship in the

Harrison neighborhood

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A housing ministry for

women and families

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Westwood Early Childhood Center

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Support Dodoma Christian Medical Center 

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